Governor Appointments

Governor Brown Announces Appointments
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments. Matthew McGuinness, 46, of San Francisco, has been appointed to the California Architects Board. McGuinness has held multiple positions at Interior Design Services Inc. since 1988,...
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Governor Brown Announces Appointments
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments. Richard S. Gordon, 64, of Menlo Park, has been appointed to the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. Gordon has served as an Assemblymember for the 21st Assembly District...
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Governor Brown Announces Appointments
SACRAMENTO - Rebuilding and reinvigorating the state’s long-neglected Workforce Investment Board, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today appointed 30 of California’s brightest business, labor and education leaders to help put Californians back to work. The California...
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Governor Brown Announces Appointments
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments. Ana Beltran, 33, of Los Angeles, has been appointed to the California Student Aid Commission. Beltran has been an academic counselor at the Humanitas Academy of Art and Technology at...
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Governor Brown Announces Appointments
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments. Michelle Hurlbutt, 55, of Upland, has been appointed to the Dental Hygiene Committee of California, where she has served since 2009. Hurlbutt has been an assistant professor at the...
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Governor Brown Announces Appointments
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments. Jeffrey Azoff, 26, of Beverly Hills, has been appointed to the California Exposition and State Fair Board of Directors. Azoff has been senior manager and strategic operations manager...
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Governor Brown Announces Appointments
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments. Leah Brew, 45, of Brea, has been appointed to the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Brew has been chair and professor at the department of counseling at California State...
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Governor Brown Announces Appointments
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments. Johanna Arias-Bhatia, 43, of Los Angeles, has been appointed to the California Board of Psychology. Arias-Bhatia has served as fair hearings and government affairs manager at the...
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Governor Brown Appoints Richard H. DuBois to San Mateo County Superior Court
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointment of Richard H. DuBois to a judgeship in the San Mateo County Superior Court. DuBois, 62, of Woodside, has served as a family law commissioner for the San Mateo County Superior Court since 2002....
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Governor Brown Appoints Laurel D. White to Sacramento County Superior Court
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointment of Laurel D. White to a judgeship in the Sacramento County Superior Court. White, 60, of Sacramento, has served in multiple positions at the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of...
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