Economic Mobility

Governor Brown Takes Action on Legislation to Protect Children
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced today that he has signed the following bills to protect children in California: • AB 25 by Assemblymember Mary Hayashi (D-Hayward) - School districts: athletics: concussions and head injuries. • AB 90 by...
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Governor Brown Calls for Pacific Rim Leaders to Wage War on Unemployment
SAN FRANCISCO - Speaking at the largest diplomatic gathering in California in more than 65 years, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today urged political and business leaders to wage a "war on unemployment" by combating global warming and preparing for climate change....
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Governor Brown Issues Statement On Senate’s Failure to Pass California Jobs First Plan
SACRAMENTO—Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued the following statement after the California State Senate failed to pass the California Jobs First Plan. "It's unbelievable that so many politicians in Sacramento would choose to protect cigarette makers and...
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Governor Brown Issues Statement On Assembly Passage of California Jobs First Plan
SACRAMENTO—Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued the following statement after the California State Assembly passed the California Jobs First Plan by a two-thirds majority vote. “Tonight, Democrats and Republicans in the California State Assembly came together in...
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Governor Announces Bipartisan Agreement on the California Jobs First Plan
Plan Closes Toxic Tax Loophole and Helps Small Businesses and Working Families SACRAMENTO—Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced a bipartisan agreement with Assembly Democrats and Republicans in support of the California Jobs First Plan. The plan will eliminate...
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Governor Brown and San Diego Business Leaders Call on Legislature to Pass California Jobs First Plan
SAN DIEGO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today will join San Diego business leaders at Gen-Probe, Inc. to call on the state Legislature to pass his California Jobs First plan, which eliminates a “toxic tax loophole” and offers over $1 billion a year in tax relief for...
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Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Labor Day
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. today issued a proclamation declaring September 5, 2011, as Labor Day in the State of California. The text of the proclamation is below:PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA When government and business...
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Business Leaders Respond to Governor Brown’s California Jobs First Plan
SACRAMENTO - Following Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.'s proposal of a three-part California Jobs First plan this morning, business leaders expressed overwhelming support for his plan to put Californians to work.Biocom "The package proposed by the Governor will make...
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Governor Brown Proposes California Jobs First Package to Spur Local Job Creation
SACRAMENTO - Taking action to put Californians to work, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today proposed a three-part California Jobs First plan that offers over $1 billion a year in tax relief for businesses that create jobs in the state. “Boosting job growth in...
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Spanish Translation: Governor’s State of the State Address
DISCURSO OFICIALGOBERNADOR EDMUND G. BROWN, JR.LUNES, 31 DE ENERO DE 2011 GOBERNADOR BROWN: Gracias. Gracias. Muchas gracias, vicegobernador Newsom, presidente Pérez, presidente pro témpore Steinberg, líder republicano del Senado Dutton, líder republicano de la...
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