Economic Mobility

Governor Brown Issues Statement on Middle Class Scholarship Act
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued the following statement on the Middle Class Scholarship Act: “Speaker Pérez deserves special credit for leading the way to end tax loopholes and fund middle-class scholarships. We're not finished yet and we're...
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Governor Brown Signs California Homeowner Bill of Rights
LOS ANGELES - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today signed the California Homeowner Bill of Rights to halt the “abusive tactics” of loan servicers and protect struggling homeowners who are trying, in good faith, to renegotiate their mortgages. “Californians should not...
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Governor Brown Issues Statement on Homeowner Bill of Rights
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued the following statement regarding the Legislature's passage of key provisions of the Homeowner Bill of Rights. “The Homeowner Bill of Rights will prevent banks from throwing Californians out of their homes while...
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Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring “Small Business Month”
PROCLAMATIONBY THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA California is home to the most innovative and competitive firms in the world, placing us consistently among the top ten economies. The vast majority of these businesses employ 500 or fewer workers. Small...
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Governor, Speaker, Pro Tem and Restoring California Coalition Announce Agreement on November 2012 Ballot Measure
SACRAMENTO - Today, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez, Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg and the Restoring California Coalition (the California Federation of Teachers, California Calls, the Courage Campaign and ACCE) joined forces...
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State of the State 2012: “California on the Mend”
SACRAMENTO - In his 2012 State of the State speech, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. said California is “on the mend” and laid out an ambitious agenda for economic growth in the year ahead. The full text of the speech is below: (Remarks as prepared)A video of the...
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2011: Milestones and Accomplishments
SACRAMENTO - The Office of Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today released “2011: Milestones and Accomplishments,” a year-in-review report on the Governor’s actions since taking office. The report covers the actions Governor Brown took in 2011 to: • Balance the budget...
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Brown Hails $1.8 Billion Bond Sale as “Homegrown Economic Stimulus”
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today said the sale of $1.8 billion in general obligation bonds will help create tens of thousands of jobs and bolster economic recovery efforts by funding major infrastructure projects throughout California. “When we invest...
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Governor Brown Acts to Improve Food Security and Support for Vulnerable Californians
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced today that he has signed a package of bills to improve food security and support for lower-income seniors and working families. • AB 6 by Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes (D-Los Angeles) - CalWORKs and CalFresh. • AB 69...
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Governor Brown Acts to Protect Pregnant Women and New Mothers
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today signed four bills to protect pregnant women and new mothers. The bills ensure maternity services are covered by health insurers and new mothers can no longer lose their health insurance as a result of taking maternity...
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