Veterans and Military

Governor and First Lady Honor Chief Petty Officer Jason C. Finan
SACRAMENTO - On behalf of all Californians, Governor Brown and First Lady Anne Gust Brown honor Chief Petty Officer Jason C. Finan, who bravely gave his life in service to our state and nation. The Governor and First Lady extend their deepest condolences to his family...
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Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring POW/MIA Recognition Day
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued a proclamation declaring September 16, 2016, as POW/MIA Recognition Day in the State of California. The text of the proclamation is below: PROCLAMATION Of the men and women who served our country in World War II,...
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Governor and First Lady Honor Staff Sgt. Matthew V. Thompson
SACRAMENTO - On behalf of all Californians, Governor Brown and First Lady Anne Gust Brown honor Staff Sgt. Matthew V. Thompson, who bravely gave his life in service to our state and nation. The Governor and First Lady extend their deepest condolences to his family and...
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Governor and First Lady Honor Marine Pfc. John Saini
SACRAMENTO - On behalf of all Californians, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. and First Lady Anne Gust Brown honor Marine Pfc. John Saini, a U.S. serviceman missing from World War II. Last week, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) announced that Marine Pfc....
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Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Memorial Day
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued a proclamation declaring May 30, 2016 as Memorial Day in the State of California. The text of the proclamation is below:PROCLAMATION On Memorial Day, we pay tribute to Americans who have suffered and died in war....
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Governor and First Lady Honor Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Charles H. Keating IV
SACRAMENTO - On behalf of all Californians, Governor Brown and First Lady Anne Gust Brown honor Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Charles H. Keating IV, who bravely gave his life in service to our state and nation. The Governor and First Lady extend their deepest...
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Governor and First Lady Honor Army Cpl. Robert P. Graham
SACRAMENTO - On behalf of all Californians, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. and First Lady Anne Gust Brown honor Army Cpl. Robert P. Graham, a U.S. serviceman missing from the Korean War. Last week, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) announced that Army Cpl....
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Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued a proclamation declaring March 30, 2016, as "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day" in the State of California. The text of the proclamation is below:PROCLAMATION Nearly three and a half million Americans served in...
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Governor and First Lady Honor Staff Sgt. Louis F. Cardin
SACRAMENTO - On behalf of all Californians, Governor Brown and First Lady Anne Gust Brown honor Staff Sgt. Louis F. Cardin, who bravely gave his life in service to our state and nation. The Governor and First Lady extend their deepest condolences to his family and...
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Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Women’s Military History Week
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued a proclamation declaring March 14 through 20, 2016, as Women’s Military History Week in the State of California. The text of the proclamation is below:PROCLAMATION The first known woman soldier in the United...
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