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Veterans and Military

Governor and First Lady Honor Sgt. Joseph F. Stifter

Governor and First Lady Honor Sgt. Joseph F. Stifter

SACRAMENTO - On behalf of all Californians, Governor Brown and First Lady Anne Gust Brown honor Sgt. Joseph F. Stifter, who bravely gave his life in service to our state and nation. The Governor and First Lady extend their deepest condolences to his family and friends...

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Governor Brown Delivers 2016 State of the State Address

Governor Brown Delivers 2016 State of the State Address

SACRAMENTO - Warning of the next inevitable recession and the "zigzag of spend-cut-spend" budgeting, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today delivered his annual State of the State address, choosing to lay out a clear, focused case for his top priority - continued fiscal...

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Governor and First Lady Honor Marine Cpl. James D. Otto

Governor and First Lady Honor Marine Cpl. James D. Otto

SACRAMENTO - On behalf of all Californians, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. and First Lady Anne Gust Brown honor Marine Cpl. James D. Otto, a U.S. serviceman missing from World War II. Earlier this month, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) announced that Marine...

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Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Veterans Day

Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Veterans Day

SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued a proclamation declaring November 11, 2015, as Veterans Day in the State of California. The text of the proclamation is below: PROCLAMATION Veterans Day began as Armistice Day, a holiday commemorating the end of...

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Governor and First Lady Honor Army Cpl. Robert V. Witt

Governor and First Lady Honor Army Cpl. Robert V. Witt

SACRAMENTO - On behalf of all Californians, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. and First Lady Anne Gust Brown honor Army Cpl. Robert V. Witt, a U.S. serviceman missing from the Korean War. Earlier this month, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) announced that Army...

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Governor and First Lady Honor Capt. Jonathan J. Golden

Governor and First Lady Honor Capt. Jonathan J. Golden

SACRAMENTO - On behalf of all Californians, Governor Brown and First Lady Anne Gust Brown honor Capt. Jonathan J. Golden, who bravely gave his life in service to our state and nation. The Governor and First Lady extend their deepest condolences to his family and...

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