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Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring John Muir Day

Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring John Muir Day

PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” - John Muir John Muir (1838-1914) was a giant of a man. His vision of the pristine landscape as a source of spiritual renewal has become central to...

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Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Cesar Chavez Day

Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Cesar Chavez Day

SACRAMENTO - Governor Jerry Brown today issued a proclamation declaring Sunday, March 31, 2013 as “César Chávez Day” in the State of California. The text of the proclamation is below:PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Eighty-six years ago, César...

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Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Arbor Day

Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Arbor Day

PROCLAMATIONBY THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Gold, Green Let it be On a day in March California; When the grass is green On the rolling hills And the snow Is deep in the mountains - Let it be On a day like this That we plant a tree California For the years...

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