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Governor Brown to Meet with Educators in Stockton

SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. will meet with educators and community leaders at Van Buren Elementary School in Stockton, CA tomorrow to discuss how the state’s budget crisis is impacting schools in the area. When: Thursday, April 14, 2011 at 12:30...

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Governor Brown Announces Appointments

SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. today announced the following appointments. Thomas Dalzell, 59, of Berkeley, has been appointed to the California Citizens Compensation Commission. Dalzell has served as the business manager for IBEW Local 1245 since 2006,...

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Governor Brown Signs Legislation to Boost Renewable Energy

MILPITAS- Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. today signed SBX1 2, which requires one-third of the state’s electricity to come from renewable sources. The legislation increases California’s current 20 percent renewables portfolio standard target in 2010 to a 33 percent...

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