Governor Appointments

Governor Brown Announces Appointments
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments. Kent Sasaki, 48, of Walnut Creek, has been appointed to the California Building Standards Commission. Sasaki has served in multiple positions at Wiss Janney Elstner Associates Inc....
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Governor Brown Announces Appointments
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments. Carol Monahan Cummings, 54, of Sacramento, has been appointed chief counsel at the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, where she has served since 2003. Cummings served...
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Governor Brown Appoints Michael S. Williams to Napa County Superior Court
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointment of Michael S. Williams to a judgeship in the Napa County Superior Court. Williams, 66, of Napa, has served as a court commissioner for the Napa County Superior Court since 2001. He was court...
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Governor Brown Appoints Two to Sacramento County Superior Court
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointment of Bunmi O. Awoniyi and Steven M. Gevercer to judgeships in the Sacramento County Superior Court. Awoniyi, 48, of Elk Grove, has served as a principal attorney with a family law practice since...
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Governor Brown Appoints Gilbert Romero to Ventura County Superior Court
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointment of Gilbert A. Romero to a judgeship in the Ventura County Superior Court. Romero, 40, of Ventura, has served as senior deputy district attorney at the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office...
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Governor Brown Appoints Adrienne M. Grover as Associate Justice of the Sixth District Court of Appeal
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointment of Adrienne M. Grover as associate justice of the Sixth District Court of Appeal. Grover, 50, of Carmel, has served as a judge for the Monterey County Superior Court since 2002. She served as...
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Governor Brown Appoints Brian M. McNamara to Kern County Superior Court
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointment of Brian M. McNamara to a judgeship in the Kern County Superior Court. McNamara, 57, of Bakersfield, has been a sole criminal law practitioner since 1998 and a professor of business law and...
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Governor Brown Appoints Michael Jurkovich to Madera County Superior Court
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointment of Michael J. Jurkovich to a judgeship in the Madera County Superior Court. Jurkovich, 57, of Fresno, has served as attorney at Gilmore Wood Vinnard and Magness since 2011. He was an attorney...
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Governor Brown Announces Appointments
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments. Monica Samaniego Hunter, 63, of Los Osos, has been appointed to the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, where she has served since 2005. Hunter has been director of...
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Governor Brown Appoints Rosendo Peña as Associate Justice of the Fifth District Court of Appeal
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointment of Rosendo Peña as associate justice of the Fifth District Court of Appeal. Peña, 57, of Fresno, has served as a judge for the Fresno Superior Court since 2002. He served as a senior research...
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