Press Releases

Governor Brown Appoints Gilbert Romero to Ventura County Superior Court
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointment of Gilbert A. Romero to a judgeship in the Ventura County Superior Court. Romero, 40, of Ventura, has served as senior deputy district attorney at the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office...
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Governor Brown Announces Appointments
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments. Monica Samaniego Hunter, 63, of Los Osos, has been appointed to the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, where she has served since 2005. Hunter has been director of...
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Governor Brown Appoints Rosendo Peña as Associate Justice of the Fifth District Court of Appeal
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointment of Rosendo Peña as associate justice of the Fifth District Court of Appeal. Peña, 57, of Fresno, has served as a judge for the Fresno Superior Court since 2002. He served as a senior research...
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Governor Brown Appoints Jim Humes as Associate Justice of the First District Court of Appeal
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointment of Jim Humes as associate justice of the First District Court of Appeal, Division Four. Humes, 53, of San Francisco, has served as executive secretary for legal affairs, administration and...
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Governor Brown Appoints Three to Alameda County Superior Court
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointments of Stephen D. Kaus, Scott D. Patton and Gregory A. Syren to judgeships in the Alameda Superior Court. Stephen D. Kaus, 64, of Berkeley, has worked at Cooper White and Cooper LLP since 1993 and...
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Governor Brown Appoints Chris Doehle to Del Norte County Superior Court
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointment of Chris Doehle to a judgeship in the Del Norte County Superior Court. Doehle, 50, of Del Norte, has been an attorney in private practice since 1995. She was an associate attorney at Harland Law...
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Governor Brown Appoints Two to Orange County Superior Court
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointments of Nathan R. Scott and James L. Crandall to judgeships in the Orange County Superior Court. Nathan R. Scott, 39, of Long Beach, has served as senior appellate court attorney at the State of...
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Governor Brown Appoints Paula S. Rosenstein to San Diego County Superior Court
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointment of Paula S. Rosenstein to a judgeship in the San Diego County Superior Court. Rosenstein, 52, of San Diego, has been an attorney and shareholder at Rosenstein Wilson and Dean PLC since 1997. She...
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Governor Brown Appoints Two to Santa Clara County Superior Court
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointments of James E. Towery and Helen Elizabeth Williams to judgeships in the Santa Clara Superior Court. James E. Towery, 64, of San Jose, has been of counsel at Rossi Hammerslough Reischl and Chuck...
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Governor Brown Appoints Robert B. Westbrook to Stanislaus County Superior Court
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the appointment of Robert B. Westbrook to a judgeship in the Stanislaus Superior Court. Westbrook, 43, of Hughson, has served as a deputy public defender at the Stanislaus County Public Defender’s Office since...
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