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Governor and First Lady Honor Seaman Benjamin D. Rast

SACRAMENTO - On behalf of all Californians, Governor Brown and First Lady Anne Gust Brown honor Seaman Benjamin D. Rast, who bravely gave his life in service to our state and nation. The Governor and First Lady extend their deepest condolences to his family and...

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Governor Brown Signs Legislation

SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. today announced he has signed three bills - SBX1 1 by Senator Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) which establishes the Clean Technology and Renewable Energy Job Training, Career Technical Education, and Dropout Prevention...

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Governor and First Lady Honor Lance Cpl. Harry Lew

SACRAMENTO - On behalf of all Californians, Governor Brown and First Lady Anne Gust Brown honor Lance Cpl. Harry Lew, who bravely gave his life in service to our state and nation. The Governor and First Lady extend their deepest condolences to his family and friends...

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