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Governor Brown Signs Legislation to Help Unaccompanied Minors

SACRAMENTO - In action announced earlier today, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed legislation to provide legal services to the unaccompanied minors arriving in California from Central America. "Helping these young people navigate our legal system is the decent thing...

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Governor Brown Signs Ballot Reform Measure

SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today joined Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, Think Long Committee for California chair Nicolas Berggruen and others to sign legislation - SB 1253 - to increase public participation in the initiative process and...

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Governor Brown Issues Legislative Update

SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced that he has signed the following bills. • AB 334 by Assemblymember Joan Buchanan (D-Alamo) - Alameda Health System hospital authority. • AB 882 by Assemblymember Richard S. Gordon (D-Menlo Park) - Voter...

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Governor Brown Signs “Farm to Fork” Legislation

SACRAMENTO - As the Sacramento region celebrates "Farm-to-Fork Week," Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today signed legislation to support farm-to-fork agriculture and expand access to healthy foods. The Governor signed the following bills today: - AB 1789 by...

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