Government Reform

Governor Brown Issues Statement on California Supreme Court Ruling on Redevelopment
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. issued the following statement regarding today's ruling by the California Supreme Court: “Today’s ruling by the California Supreme Court validates a key component of the state budget and guarantees more than a billion dollars...
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WHEREAS my Administration is committed to keeping the Legislature fully and properly informed on matters for which it requests information from state agencies and departments; and WHEREAS state agencies and departments are required to submit to the Legislature...
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Governor Directs State Agencies and Departments to Identify and Eliminate Unnecessary Legislative Reports
SACRAMENTO - In another move to make government more efficient and reduce unnecessary costs, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued an Executive Order directing the state’s agencies and departments to review the approximately 2,600 annual reports they are required...
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Governor Directs Administration to Cut Costs, Increase Efficiency Using Honest, Common-Sense Budgeting Methods
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued an Executive Order directing the California Department of Finance (DOF) to incorporate common sense program-evaluation methods into the budgeting process, in order to fund programs based on their necessity and...
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WHEREAS substantial steps have been taken to reduce California’s fiscal deficit, but additional measures are necessary both to cut state spending and improve operational efficiency; and WHEREAS the State’s budgeting method focuses on incremental changes to the prior...
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Governor’s Office Issues Statement on LAO Report
SACRAMENTO - Gil Duran, Press Secretary for Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., issued the following statement in response to today's Legislative Analyst's Office report on the budget: "California’s budget gap is the result of a decade of poor fiscal choices and a global...
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Pension Reform: Governor Brown’s Sweeping Plan Earns Strong Statewide Support
SACRAMENTO - Less than a week after Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced a sweeping 12-point plan for pension reform, commentators and editorial boards in both state and national media have expressed strong support for it. Below are links to some of the editorials...
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Governor Brown Unveils Pension Reform Plan
12-point proposal raises retirement age for public employees, ends system-wide abuses and cuts costs for taxpayers by billions SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today proposed 12 major reforms for state and local pension systems that would end system-wide...
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Governor Brown Letter to Joint Committee on Public Employee Pensions
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today sent the following letter to the Joint Conference Committee on Public Employee Pensions. October 25, 2011 The Honorable Gloria Negrete-McLeod California State Senator State Capitol, Room 4061 Sacramento, CA 95814 The...
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EXECUTIVE ORDER B-12-11 WHEREAS promoting easy access to state governmental information in a cost-efficient way is a priority of my Administration; and WHEREAS California enters into contracts worth billions of dollars each year to purchase goods and services on...
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