Government Reform

Governor Brown Issues Statement on CDCR’s Plan to Improve California’s Prison System, Save Billions of Dollars
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued this statement following the release by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) of “The Future of California Corrections: A Blueprint to Save Billions of Dollars, End Federal Court...
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Governor Brown Seeks To Eliminate More Than 700 Unnecessary State Reports
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today released a list of more than 700 unnecessary bureaucratic reports currently required by law and called on the state legislature to eliminate them in order to streamline government and reduce waste. “It wastes a lot of...
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Governor Brown Delivers Plan to Streamline and Simplify State Government to Little Hoover Commission
SACRAMENTO - Following through on his pledge to streamline state government, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today sent a far-reaching reorganization plan to the Little Hoover Commission that cuts the number of state agencies from 12 to 10, eliminates duplicative and...
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Governor Brown Issues Statement on S&P’s Upgrade of California’s Credit Ratings Outlook
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued the following statement after Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Rating Services shifted California’s credit ratings outlook from stable to positive: “The fact that California’s ratings outlook has shifted from...
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Governor Brown Sends Pension Reform Language to Legislature
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today delivered the proposed language for his 12-point pension reform plan to leaders of the state legislature’s Conference Committee on Public Employee Pensions. • Full text of the Governor Brown’s letter to legislative...
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Governor Brown Forms Boards to Wind Down Redevelopment Agencies in Los Angeles, Merced, Stanislaus and Ventura
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today named twelve individuals to serve on four governing boards responsible for dissolving local redevelopment agencies in cities and counties where local agencies elected not to manage the task. Each governing board, also...
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Governor Brown Releases Package of CEQA Reforms
SACRAMENTO - As part of his ongoing efforts to spur job creation, streamline regulations and boost renewable energy, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today released a package of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) reforms that will simplify and expedite the...
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State of the State 2012: “California on the Mend”
SACRAMENTO - In his 2012 State of the State speech, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. said California is “on the mend” and laid out an ambitious agenda for economic growth in the year ahead. The full text of the speech is below: (Remarks as prepared)A video of the...
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Governor Brown Releases Statement on LAO Report
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. released the following statement in response to today's report on the budget from the Legislative Analyst's Office: “The Legislative Analyst's Office report underscores the fundamental uncertainty of our time and, therefore,...
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2011: Milestones and Accomplishments
SACRAMENTO - The Office of Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today released “2011: Milestones and Accomplishments,” a year-in-review report on the Governor’s actions since taking office. The report covers the actions Governor Brown took in 2011 to: • Balance the budget...
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