
Governor Brown Issues Statement on Release of Final Environmental Reports for California WaterFix
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. issued the following statement regarding today's release of final environmental documents for WaterFix, California's effort to modernize the state's water infrastructure. "This project has been subjected to 10 years of...
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Governor Brown Takes Action to Protect Oceans
CORONADO - Taking action to combat climate change and help protect California's oceans, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today called on President Barack Obama to use his authority to permanently prohibit new offshore oil and gas leasing in federal waters off the coast of...
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Governor Brown Issues Order to Continue Water Savings as Drought Persists
Executive Order Aims to Make Water Conservation a Way of Life in California SACRAMENTO - Moving to bolster California's climate and drought resilience, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued an executive order that builds on temporary statewide emergency water...
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Governor Brown Backs Klamath River Restoration, Dam Removal
KLAMATH - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today joined state, federal and Native American tribal governments, as well as Klamath Basin water users and businesses, to continue moving forward with the largest river restoration and dam removal project in the nation. “This...
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Governor Brown Issues Statement on World Water Day and White House Water Summit
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. issued the following statement regarding World Water Day and the White House Water Summit held today: “On World Water Day - as California’s drought stretches on - we’re reminded that no matter where you live, access to water...
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Governor Brown Delivers 2016 State of the State Address
SACRAMENTO - Warning of the next inevitable recession and the "zigzag of spend-cut-spend" budgeting, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today delivered his annual State of the State address, choosing to lay out a clear, focused case for his top priority - continued fiscal...
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Photo Release: Governor Brown Speaks at Association of California Water Agencies Event
SACRAMENTO - Following the Administration's release of the updated California Water Action Plan, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today spoke at the "CA Water 2.0 - What's Next for the California Water Action Plan?" event organized by the Association of California Water...
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Governor Brown Issues Executive Order to Bolster State’s Drought Response
SACRAMENTO - As California prepares for a fifth year of drought, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued an executive order that calls for additional actions to build on the state's ongoing response to record dry conditions and assist recovery efforts from this...
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Governor Brown Issues Statement on California Water Fix
SACRAMENTO - As the public comment period for the California Water Fix comes to a close, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. issued the following statement: “The Delta pipeline is essential to completing the California Water Project and protecting fish and water quality....
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Governor Brown Signs Water Legislation
SACRAMENTO - As California's historic drought continues, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced that he has signed the following bills to help boost water conservation, strengthen groundwater management and improve water quality: - AB 142 by Assemblymember Frank...
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