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Public Safety and Criminal Justice

Governor Brown Grants Pardons

Governor Brown Grants Pardons

SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced that he has granted 59 pardons. Individuals who have been convicted of a crime in California may apply to the Governor for a pardon. Those granted pardons all completed their sentences and the majority were...

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Governor Brown Issues Statement on Death of CHP Officer

Governor Brown Issues Statement on Death of CHP Officer

SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued the following statement regarding the death of California Highway Patrol Officer Nathan Daniel Taylor: "Anne and I extend our heartfelt condolences to Officer Taylor's family, friends and the entire California...

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Governor Brown Delivers 2016 State of the State Address

Governor Brown Delivers 2016 State of the State Address

SACRAMENTO - Warning of the next inevitable recession and the "zigzag of spend-cut-spend" budgeting, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today delivered his annual State of the State address, choosing to lay out a clear, focused case for his top priority - continued fiscal...

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Governor Brown Grants Pardons

Governor Brown Grants Pardons

SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced that he has granted 91 pardons. The individuals granted pardons all completed their sentences and have been released from custody for more than a decade without further criminal activity. Individuals who have...

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