Health Care

Governor Brown Signs Women’s Health Legislation
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today signed seven bills to support the health and well-being of women in California. The Governor signed the following bills today: • AB 154 by Assemblymember Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego) - Permits a nurse practitioner,...
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Governor Brown Signs Legislation to Continue Implementation of Affordable Care Act
SACRAMENTO - As the state launches its health benefit exchange today, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed a package of bills to continue implementing federal health care reform in California. “While extreme radicals in Washington shut down our government, here in...
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Governor Brown Signs 2013-14 Budget
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today signed a balanced, on-time budget that directs additional resources to California’s neediest students and continues the implementation of federal health care reform, while continuing to pay down debt and build a...
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Governor Brown Signs Legislation to Reform California’s Health Insurance Market
SACRAMENTO - Helping put an end to the practice of denying health care coverage to Californians with pre-existing conditions, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today signed legislation to protect consumers and reform California’s private health insurance market as required...
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Governor Brown Delivers 2013 State of the State Address
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today delivered the 2013 State of the State Address. Below is the text as prepared for delivery:Edmund G. Brown Jr.State of the State AddressRemarks as PreparedJanuary 24, 2013 The message this year is clear: California has...
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Governor Brown Calls Extraordinary Session to Implement Federal Health Care Reform
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued the following proclamation convening an extraordinary session of the California State Legislature on January 28, 2013 to continue the work of implementing the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act....
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A Proclamation by the Governor of the State of California
WHEREAS, an extraordinary circumstance has arisen and now exists requiring that the Legislature of the State of California be convened in extraordinary session; NOW, THEREFORE, I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor of the State of California, in accordance with Section...
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State Seeks End To Court Orders Capping the State’s Prison Population and Requiring Oversight of Prison Mental Health Care
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced today that the State of California has taken legal action to end a federal court order that caps the state’s prison population and another that requires “intrusive supervision” of prison mental health care. “After...
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Governor Brown Signs Legislation to Give Women More Access to Birth Control
LOS ANGELES - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today joined women’s health advocates at Planned Parenthood Los Angeles Headquarters for a ceremony where he signed a bill that makes it easier for women to obtain birth control. “At a time when some seek to turn back the...
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Governor Brown Issues Statement on Supreme Court Ruling
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued the following statement in response to the United States Supreme Court's ruling on the constitutionality of President Obama’s health care reform law: “Today's dramatic Supreme Court ruling removes the last...
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