Emergency Response

Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Wildfire Awareness Week
PROCLAMATIONBY THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Wildfires are a natural, periodic occurrence in California. Many native species depend on cyclical fires for survival. Unfortunately, this natural process often conflicts with human land use, and careless or...
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Governor Brown Issues Statement on Shootings at Oikos University
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued the following statement regarding the shootings at Oikos University in Oakland: “The tragic loss of life at Oikos University today is shocking and sad. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their...
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Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Tsunami Preparedness Week
PROCLAMATIONBY THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Tsunami is a term of Japanese origin describing the high ocean waves that sometimes result from offshore seismic events. Over the past two hundred years, the coast of California has experienced at least two dozen...
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State of the State 2012: “California on the Mend”
SACRAMENTO - In his 2012 State of the State speech, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. said California is “on the mend” and laid out an ambitious agenda for economic growth in the year ahead. The full text of the speech is below: (Remarks as prepared)A video of the...
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2011: Milestones and Accomplishments
SACRAMENTO - The Office of Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today released “2011: Milestones and Accomplishments,” a year-in-review report on the Governor’s actions since taking office. The report covers the actions Governor Brown took in 2011 to: • Balance the budget...
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Governor Brown Declares State of Emergency Following State Route 60 Accident
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has issued an emergency proclamation for State Route 60 near Montebello, following the explosion of a gasoline tanker truck which caused major damage, requiring the demolition and reconstruction of roadway and bridge...
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A PROCLAMATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY WHEREAS on December 14, 2011, a tanker truck loaded with gasoline was involved in a vehicle accident near Montebello in Los Angeles County on State Route 60, resulting in intense fire, heat, and destruction of portions of State...
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Governor Brown Declares State of Emergency In Los Angeles and City of Rancho Cucamonga
SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has issued an emergency proclamation for Los Angeles County and the city of Rancho Cucamonga following severe winds that began on November 30th and caused major damage and extensive interruption of utilities and other critical...
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Governor Brown Directs the Deployment of California Firefighters to Nevada Fire
SACRAMENTO - Today California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. directed the deployment of three strike teams to help the State of Nevada fight the Pine Haven Fire near Reno, NV. The Pine Haven Fire has consumed approximately 400 acres and destroyed at least 20 homes. Each...
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Governor Brown Appeals FEMA’s Denial of Presidential Major Disaster Declaration
SACRAMENTO - In a letter to President Barack Obama, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today appealed a denial by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to declare a major disaster and provide federal assistance and statewide Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funding for...
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