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Climate Change & Environment

Governor Brown Welcomes Sweden to Under2 Climate Coalition

Governor Brown Welcomes Sweden to Under2 Climate Coalition

SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today welcomed Sweden to the Under2 Coalition - the global pact among cities, states and countries to limit the increase in global average temperature to below 2 degrees Celsius, the level of potentially catastrophic...

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Governor Brown Delivers 2017 State of the State Address

Governor Brown Delivers 2017 State of the State Address

SACRAMENTO - Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today delivered his State of the State address, departing with the traditional practice of listing every issue and restating every priority to focus on the "broader context of our country and its challenges." In his remarks...

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Governor Brown to Climate Scientists: “We Will Persevere”

Governor Brown to Climate Scientists: “We Will Persevere”

SAN FRANCISCO - Rallying thousands of scientists at one of the largest international gatherings of its kind, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today called on the scientific community - the "truth-tellers" and "truth seekers" - to mobilize for the climate fight. "The time...

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Governor Brown Takes Action to Protect Oceans

Governor Brown Takes Action to Protect Oceans

CORONADO - Taking action to combat climate change and help protect California's oceans, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today called on President Barack Obama to use his authority to permanently prohibit new offshore oil and gas leasing in federal waters off the coast of...

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