Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Wildfire Awareness Week


SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued a proclamation declaring May 6-12, 2018 as “Wildfire Awareness Week” in the State of California.

For more information on steps to protect lives, homes and families, visit

The text of the proclamation is below:


Last year, California experienced five of the most destructive wildfires and four of the deadliest wildfires in the state’s history. More than a million acres burned, thousands of structures were destroyed and tragically, lives were lost. All Californians must do their part to help protect lives, property and our state’s precious natural resources from devastating wildfires.

Millions of dead and dying trees continue to increase the risk of wildfires across the state. In 2015, I declared a state of emergency to address the state’s unprecedented tree die-off epidemic and in my State of the State address this year, pledged to convene a task force composed of scientists and knowledgeable forest practitioners to suggest ways to further reduce the threat of fires and increase resiliency and carbon storage capacity through better forest management.

Wildfires are a natural, periodic occurrence in California. Many native species depend on cyclical fires for survival. Unfortunately, this natural process often conflicts with human land use, and careless or malicious human activity causes many fires that would not have occurred naturally. In order to continue to enjoy the economic and recreational benefits of our wilderness lands, we must strive to achieve a balance between California’s fire ecology and the need to protect human life and property.

Firefighting alone cannot protect us, and every citizen, especially those living in fire-prone areas, has an important role in preventing loss of life and property from wildfire events. This week, we should all do our part to raise public awareness of the fire season that is already upon us, and take steps to protect lives, homes and families in the event of a wildfire. In conjunction with Wildfire Awareness Week, CAL FIRE has launched a campaign to educate homeowners on the steps they should take to prepare themselves for wildfire. This potentially lifesaving information can be found at

NOW THEREFORE I, EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor of the State of California, do hereby proclaim May 6-12, 2018 as “Wildfire Awareness Week.”

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of California to be affixed this 4th day of May 2018.




Governor of California





Secretary of State
