Photo Release: China Day 3: Governor Brown Meets with President Xi of the People’s Republic of China, Signs Agreement with National Government to Boost Green Technology


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BEIJING – Taking California’s climate push to the global stage, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today met with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China and signed an agreement with China’s Minister of Science and Technology to deepen cooperation on the development of green technology.

Governor Brown met with President Xi for approximately 45 minutes at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The Governor and President discussed the importance of expanding cooperation on green technology, innovation and trade.

“California is the leading economic state in America and we are also the pioneering state on clean technology, cap and trade, electric vehicles and batteries, but we can’t do it alone,” said Governor Brown during his meeting with President Xi. “I have proposed that California will cut its greenhouse gases 40 percent below 1990 levels and that we’ll have 50 percent of our electricity from renewables. To keep that goal, we need a very close partnership with China – with your businesses, with your provinces, with your universities.”

Governor Brown pointed to China’s work on a cap-and-trade program and solar energy growth in California as areas of mutual benefit. He also noted his long relationship with President Xi, including welcoming the President’s father to California during the Governor’s first stint, and meetings in 2012, 2013 and 2015.

President Xi highlighted the strong subnational relationship between California and Chinese provinces, including the Governor’s recent visits to Sichuan and Jiangsu provinces. Both leaders agreed to continue working to expand bilateral cooperation between California and China.

Earlier in the day, the Governor met with China’s Minister of Science and Technology, Wan Gang, and signed an agreement on behalf of California that builds on the subnational pacts signed earlier this week with Sichuan and Jiangsu provinces.

Specifically, the agreement expands cooperation on the advancement of low-carbon, renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies such as zero-emission vehicles, energy storage, grid modernization and low-carbon urban development. Under the agreement, California and China will also deepen their partnership and coordination on greenhouse gas emission and air pollution reduction programs, including emissions trading systems and carbon capture.

Later, Governor Brown spoke at a Clean Energy Ministerial forum focused on electric vehicles; met with Hebei Province’s Governor, Xu Qin; met with China’s Minister of Commerce, Zhong Shan; and spoke at a Clean Energy Ministerial event organized by the Energy Foundation on the economic transition to clean energy.

Tomorrow, Governor Brown will open the Under2 Clean Energy Forum, which he is cohosting with China’s Ministry of Science and Technology and Sichuan Province. This event expands on the Clean Energy Ministerial by bringing together members of the Under2 Coalition – leaders of cities, provinces and states around the world – as well as businesses and NGOs to drive subnational and non-state action to decarbonize the economy and curb climate change. The forum builds on the event Governor Brown launched last year in San Francisco during the Clean Energy Ministerial.

The Under2 Coalition – an international pact among cities, states and countries committed to limiting the increase in global average temperature to below 2 degrees Celsius, the level of potentially catastrophic consequences – now includes 170 jurisdictions on six continents. These members collectively represent more than 1.18 billion people and $27.5 trillion GDP – equivalent to 16 percent of the global population and 37 percent of the global economy. Among the coalition members are 10 U.S. states and eight U.S. cities that together account for nearly one-third of America’s population and GDP.

More information on the Governor’s itinerary in China can be found here.

Text of the agreement is copied below:

Memorandum of Understanding on Research, Innovation, and Investment to Advance Cooperation on Low-Carbon Development and Clean Energy Resources
The Government of California of the United States of America
The Ministry of Science and Technology
of the People’s Republic of China

ACKNOWLEDGING that California has a long history of successful collaboration with China, including cooperation on climate change, air quality, energy efficiency, renewable energy, new-energy and zero emission vehicle development, emissions trading systems, and climate-positive trade and investment opportunities;

RECOGNIZING the negative effects of climate change on both developing and developed countries, as well as the importance of jointly promoting low-carbon development and clean technology to fight against climate change;

ACKNOWLEDGING that California has strong climate mitigation policies, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions 40% below 1990 levels by 2030, 50% renewable energy and doubling of energy efficiency by 2030, and extensive investment in clean technology development and deployment;

ACKNOWLEDING that China is committed to improving air quality and controlling greenhouse gas emissions, and will spare no efforts to reach its peak of CO2 emissions around 2030 as soon as possible and reduce its CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by 60-65% compared with the ratio in 2005;

ACKNOWLEDGING the tremendous opportunity to further California-China bilateral cooperation to promote clean technology innovation and investment;

STRIVING to develop a mutually beneficial relationship of partnership and cooperation between China and California and to advance economic, environmental, public health, and job creation benefits derived from implementing clean energy and low-carbon technologies, policies, and programs; and

CONSISTENT with the governing laws of their respective countries:

California and China (hereinafter referred to as the “Participants”) have reached the following understanding:

Paragraph 1

The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is to support the Participants in advancing innovation and development of, and investment in, low-carbon energy resources and clean technologies. Cooperation between the Participants will be based on a mutual understanding of shared issues and concerns of the governments and citizens of California and the People’s Republic of China as they relate to research, innovation, and commercialization of clean technologies.

To achieve these objectives, the Participants agree to develop the California-China Clean Technology Partnership (CCCTP, hereinafter referred to as the “Partnership”), which will allow the Participants to communicate and cooperate on matters of research, innovation, and commercialization. The Partnership will also provide a mechanism through which the Participants’ governments, researchers, key stakeholders, and industrial collaborators may exchange views, express concerns, and arrange to carry out joint actions. The Partnership will provide a mechanism to promote scientific, technological, and industrial research and commercialization cooperation between California and the People’s Republic of China and will provide a platform for promoting mutually beneficial endeavors between the Participants, including developing markets for science and technology-based products.

Paragraph 2

The Parties agree that the areas of cooperation of the Partnership will include but not be limited to:

1. Clean energy technologies that focus on reducing energy use, improving energy efficiency, advancing renewable energy technologies such as solar and wind power, energy storage and grid modernization technologies, new-energy and zero emission vehicles, and low-carbon cities;

2. Greenhouse gas emission and air pollution reduction programs, including emissions trading systems;

3. Environmental protection technologies, including pollution mitigation technologies, water and waste water technologies, and solid waste management technologies;

4. Information technologies and techniques including software, advanced communication products and services benefiting the mitigation of criteria air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions, and advancing clean energy development;

5. Carbon capture, utilisation and storage technologies, including new-generation carbon capture technologies, and CO2 recycling utilisation and storage technologies;

6. Other areas mutually agreed by the Participants.

Paragraph 3

The Participants of this MOU will establish a Joint Working Group on the California-China Clean Technology Partnership (hereinafter referred to as the “Joint Working Group”) to implement this MOU. The Participants will each designate a co-chair and an equal number of representatives to develop collaborative activities under this MOU and advise the Participants on ways to conduct the activities included in this MOU. The Joint Working Group will meet annually on a mutually agreed date and venue to discuss progress on the implementation of the MOU. Each Participant will bear its own costs in meeting its commitments under this MOU, including but not limited to any costs associated with the Joint Working Group.

To implement this MOU, the Joint Working Group will create a coordinated Joint Investment Plan that identifies projects and technologies consistent with the objectives of this MOU that may be considered as part of the California-China Clean Technology Partnership. Each Participant will identify and fund eligible projects consistent with the Joint Investment Plan according to its own processes. Each Participant agrees to independently fund the activities contemplated by and being conducted pursuant to the MOU, on a contribution schedule that permits the participants to achieve the objectives set forth under the MOU. The Participants agree to collaborate on these projects where possible and to share information resulting from the projects funded pursuant to the Joint Investment Plan.

Paragraph 4

The Participants, by common consent, may seek the collaboration of third parties, including universities and other public and private academic and research and development institutions, or any other organizations whose activities may contribute to achieving the goals of this MOU.

Paragraph 5

The Participants intend to adopt all appropriate measures, in accordance with their respective laws and regulations, to protect intellectual property rights and interests.

Nothing in this MOU limits the right of each of the Participants to establish similar agreements with other institutions. Cooperation under this MOU does not affect the rights and obligations acquired by the Participants in other international agreements.

Paragraph 6

This MOU serves only as a record of the Participants’ intentions and does not constitute or create any legally binding or enforceable rights or obligations, expressed or implied.

Paragraph 7

The Participants also agree to the following provisions:

1. The Participants have decided that any disagreement arising from the implementation of this MOU shall be settled through amicable discussion;

2. Nothing in this MOU precludes the Government of China or China’s Ministry of Science and Technology or the Government of California or the California Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission from entering into any other agreement with an entity inside or outside of the People’s Republic of China or the United States of America; and

3. Consultation and exchange of information and documents shall preserve the security and integrity of the systems, processes, and information (including trade secrets) of each Participant and all third parties acting on behalf of any of the Participants and be without prejudice to Participants’ legal requirements or obligations, which may prevent the exchange of certain confidential information and documents under this MOU.

Paragraph 8

This MOU is neither a contract nor a treaty.

This MOU will be effective upon the date of signature by both participants and will remain in force for five (5) years thereafter.

This MOU may be renewed for equal periods by mutual consent of the Participants until terminated through written notice.

This MOU may be amended or modified by mutual written consent of the Participants.

Either Participant may terminate this MOU by providing the other with 30 days written notice.

Signed in Beijing, China on June 6th, 2017, in two originals in Chinese and English languages, both texts being equally authentic.

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.
State of California
United States of America

Minister Wan Gang
Ministry of Science and Technology
People’s Republic of China

Photo captions:

1.) Governor Brown and President Xi.
2.) Governor Brown meets with President Xi.
3.) Governor and Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang.
4.) Governor Brown delivers remarks at Clean Energy Ministerial event.
5.) Governor Brown meets with Hebei Province Governor Xu Qin.
6.) Governor Brown meets with Minister of Commerce Zhong Shan.
7.) Governor Brown delivers remarks at Clean Energy Ministerial event.

Photo credit: Aaron Berkovich. For high resolution copies of these photos, please contact Danella Debel, Office of the Governor at
