Governor Brown to Speak at the California Conservation Corps’ 40th Anniversary Celebration Today


SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. will deliver remarks at the California Conservation Corps’ 40th anniversary celebration event today in Sacramento.

When: Today, Thursday, June 30, 2016 at approx. 12:00 p.m.
Where: West Side of the California State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814

Governor Brown founded the California Conservation Corps in 1976 during his first term in office, modeling the program after the federal Civilian Conservation Corps of the 1930s and envisioning “a combination Jesuit seminary, Israeli kibbutz and Marine Corps boot camp.”

Since then, 120,000 young men and women have embraced the organization’s motto – “hard work, low pay, miserable conditions … and more!” – and have served California by fighting fires, responding to floods and oil spills, building hiking trails and restoring rivers and streams. Workers are stationed at two dozen residential and nonresidential sites in cities and rural areas across California.

**NOTE: This event is open to invited guests and credentialed media. Additional information on the event can be found here.
