Governor Brown Signs 2015-16 State Budget


SACRAMENTO – After announcing a budget agreement with Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León and Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins last week, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today signed a balanced, on-time budget that saves billions of dollars and pays down debt, while directing more resources to schools and low-income Californians. The budget and related acts signed by the Governor today are below:

– AB 93 by Assemblymember Shirley N. Weber (D-San Diego) – Budget Act of 2015.
– SB 97 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review – Budget Act of 2015.
– AB 95 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review – Transportation.
– AB 104 by the Committee on Budget – Education finance: education omnibus trailer bill.
– AB 114 by the Committee on Budget – Public works: building construction.
– AB 116 by the Committee on Budget – Budget Act of 2014: augmentation.
– AB 117 by the Committee on Budget – Public resources.
– AB 119 by the Committee on Budget – Public health: Medi-Cal: nursing facilities.
– SB 75 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review – Health.
– SB 78 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review – Education finance: local control funding formula.
– SB 79 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review – Human services.
– SB 80 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review – Personal income taxes: earned income credit.
– SB 81 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review – Postsecondary education: budget.
– SB 82 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review – Developmental Services.
– SB 83 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review – Public Resources.
– SB 84 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review – State government.
– SB 85 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review – Public safety.
– SB 88 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review – Water.
– SB 98 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review – State government.

**NOTE: Officials from the Department of Finance will host a media briefing today at 1:00 p.m. to discuss details of the Budget Act of 2015 and line-item vetoes. The briefing will be held in the Department of Finance conference room, State Capitol Room 1145 and is open to credentialed media only.

Additional details on the 2015-16 budget, including line-item vetoes, can be found at
