Governor Brown Issues Legislative Update


SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced that he has signed the following bills.

• AB 49 by Assemblymember Joan Buchanan (D-Alamo) – License plates: breast cancer awareness.
• AB 922 by Assemblymember Brian Maienschein (R-San Diego) – Income taxes: deductions: disaster relief: County of San Diego.
• AB 1096 by Assemblymember Brian Nestande (R-Palm Desert) – Vehicles: specialized license plates: Salton Sea.
• AB 1765 by Assemblymember Reginald Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles) – Personal income taxes: voluntary contributions: Habitat for Humanity Fund.
• AB 1835 by Assemblymember Kristin M. Olsen (R-Modesto) – Recreational off-highway vehicles: helmets: exemption.
• AB 2051 by Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) – Medi-Cal: providers: affiliate primary care clinics.
• AB 2069 by Assemblymember Brian Maienschein (R-San Diego) – Immunizations: influenza.
• AB 2321 by Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez (D-Los Angeles) – Specialized license plates: domestic violence, sexual assault, and sex trafficking awareness.
• AB 2450 by Assemblymember Dan Logue (R-Marysville) – Specialized license plates: kidney disease awareness.
• AB 2578 by Assemblymember Matt Dababneh (D-Encino) – Insurance: disability insurance: life insurance: accelerated death benefit.
• AB 2726 by Assemblymember Tom F. Daly (D-Anaheim) – University of California: real property sales.
• AB 2734 by the Committee on Insurance – Insurance: omnibus.
• SB 174 by Senator Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles) – Student financial aid: Cal Grant Program.
• SB 502 by Senator Marty Block (D-San Diego) – University of California: bidding requirements.
• SB 761 by Senator Mark DeSaulnier (D-Concord) – Personal income taxes: voluntary contributions: School Supplies for Homeless Children Fund.
• SB 782 by Senator Mark DeSaulnier (D-Concord) – Income taxes: voluntary contributions: California Sexual Violence Victim Services Fund.
• SB 798 by Senator Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles) – Income taxes: credits: contributions to education funds.
• SB 906 by Senator Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana) – Elective Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Program.
• SB 949 by Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) – After school programs: Distinguished After School Health Recognition Program.
• SB 1221 by Senator Loni Hancock (D-Berkeley) – After school programs.
• SB 1274 by Senator Loni Hancock (D-Berkeley) – Recycling: used mattresses.
• SB 1283 by Senator Cathleen Galgiani (D-Stockton) – Controlled substances.
• SB 1295 by Senator Marty Block (D-San Diego) – Trespass: requests for law enforcement assistance.
• SB 1312 by Senator Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) – California Transportation Commission: annual report.
• SB 1323 by Senator Ted W. Lieu (D-Torrance) – Specialized license plates: Pet Lover’s License Plate Program.

Governor Brown also announced that he has vetoed the following bills.

• AB 2612 by Assemblymember Matt Dababneh (D-Encino) – Medi-Cal. A veto message can be found here.
• SB 1383 by Senator Ben Hueso (D-San Diego) – Plastic products: labeling. A veto message can be found here.

For full text of the bills, visit:
