Governor Brown Signs Legislation


SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced that he has signed the following bills.

• AB 1468 by the Committee on Budget – Public Safety.
• SB 852 by Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) – Budget Act of 2014.
• SB 853 by the Committee on Budget – Transportation.
• SB 854 by the Committee on Budget – State and local government.
• SB 855 by the Committee on Budget – Human services.
• SB 856 by the Committee on Budget – Developmental services.
• SB 857 by the Committee on Budget – Health.
• SB 858 by the Committee on Budget – Education finance: education omnibus trailer bill.
• SB 859 by the Committee on Budget – Education finance: local control funding formula.
• SB 860 by the Committee on Budget – Education finance: education omnibus trailer bill.
• SB 861 by the Committee on Budget – Public resources: trailer bill.
• SB 862 by the Committee on Budget – Greenhouse gases: emissions reduction.
• SB 863 by the Committee on Budget – Correctional facilities: construction.
• SB 865 by the Committee on Budget – Budget Act of 2013: augmentation.
• SB 869 by the Committee on Budget – School facilities: construction: bond act.
• SB 870 by the Committee on Budget – Health.
• SB 871 by the Committee on Budget – Property taxes: new construction exclusion: active solar energy system.

AB 1469, State teachers’ retirement: Defined Benefit Program: funding, by Assemblymember Rob Bonta will be signed separately next week.

For full text of the bills, visit: To view the budget in full, visit:
