What They’re Saying About Governor Brown’s Economic Development Plan


SACRAMENTO – Businesses, workers and newspapers continue to join the call to fix California’s broken Enterprise Zone program. Here’s what they’re saying about Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.’s economic development plan:

Genentech CEO Ian Clark: “Governor’s Proposal Helps To Maintain The State’s Competitive Edge” – “California is a good home to the life sciences industry and to Genentech. The Governor’s proposal helps to maintain the state’s competitive edge as the economy recovers and companies decide where to add jobs and expand facilities. This is a critical time for the state to support good jobs by passing this thoughtful economic development package.” (Statement, 6/18/13)

Los Angeles Newspaper Group: “Lawmakers Should Give It Their Full Support” – “Enterprise zone supporters argue that extending the credits retroactively aids with employee retention, but Brown is right when he says tax incentives should support job growth. That’s what his reforms would ensure. … Reforms proposed for enterprise zones are practical and fall in line with Brown’s efforts to streamline state government. Overhauling the bureaucracy while protecting benefits for those who truly need assistance is a sound plan. Lawmakers should give it their full support.” (Editorial, Tax credits should create jobs, not ‘zones’, 6/11/13)

California Labor Federation Executive Secretary-Treasurer Art Pulaski: “California Workers Stand With The Governor” – “The Governor’s plan wisely targets our tax dollars to good jobs that build the middle class and strengthen communities. California workers stand with the Governor in his efforts to create good jobs that will spur our state’s economic growth.” (Statement, 6/13/13)

Riverside Press-Enterprise: Legislators Should “Look For Tax Policies That Would Actually Benefit The State’s Economy” – “California has no reason to stick with an easily exploited and ineffective tax break. The state could accomplish more by paring back needless regulation and revising the tax code to encourage business growth and hiring. More tinkering will not fix enterprise zones; legislators should instead look for tax policies that would actually benefit the state’s economy.” (Editorial, Scrap ineffective enterprise zone tax credits, 6/16/13)

BIOCOM President and CEO Joe Panetta: “The Governor Is Removing One Of California’s Major Competitive Disadvantages With Other States” – “Governor Brown’s proposal implements badly needed improvements to the Enterprise Zone system by using that program in the areas that truly need it. By exempting manufacturing equipment and equipment used in life science research and development from state sales tax, the Governor is removing one of California’s major competitive disadvantages with other states. The California Competes Credit will give the state an economic development tool where we finally can truly compete with other states and countries to retain our own companies and attract companies from elsewhere.” (Statement, 6/13/13)

Mojave Air and Space Port CEO Stuart Witt: Governor’s Plan “Will Help California Remain The National Leader In New Space Manufacturing” – “[The Governor’s”> proposed statewide sales tax exemption on the purchase of manufacturing equipment will help California remain the national leader in new space manufacturing. The proposed California Competes Credit will create a targeted jobs incentive. … The proposed hiring credit for businesses located in truly impoverished areas such as Mojave, CA will stimulate economic growth in the areas of the state that need it most. [The Governor’s”> proposal is a solid step in the right direction.” (Statement, 6/10/13)

Silicon Valley Leadership Group President and CEO Carl Guardino: “This Is Smart Economic Development Done Right” – “The Silicon Valley Leadership Group is pleased to support the Governor’s proposal, which targets critical economic development funds to areas where California can lead. This is smart economic development done right.” (Statement, 6/13/13)

Sacramento Bee: Governor’s Plan “Might Actually Encourage Businesses To Expand In California And Hire People” – “In California, however, the enterprise zone concept has been twisted into a profoundly dumb policy. California allows businesses to retroactively claim credits, receiving as much as $37,000 per employee for hiring decisions made years earlier. … Brown wants to replace enterprise zones with $750 million in tax breaks that might actually encourage businesses to expand in California and hire people. … The question for legislators is simple: Will they make thoughtful changes to help businesses provide good jobs to people in need, or will they buckle to an interest group and maintain a truly dumb tax break.” (Editorial, California’s enterprise zone credits are a farce, 6/10/13)

Teamsters Joint Council 7 President Rome Aloise: Governor’s Plan Is “Exactly The Kind Of Economic Boost Our State Needs” – “In this tough economy, California should put every available resource into programs that spur middle-class jobs. Governor Brown’s plan refocuses California’s job-creation dollars on high-road jobs for those who need them the most. That’s exactly the kind of economic boost our state needs.” (Statement, 6/13/13)

For a complete list of the dozens of supporters of Governor Brown’s plan, click here.
