SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today signed a bill that makes it easier for Californians to vote by allowing same-day voter registration.
“Voting—the sacred right of every citizen—should be simple and convenient,” said Governor Brown. “While other states try to restrict voters with new laws that burden the process, California allows voters to register online—and even on Election Day.”
Assembly Bill 1436 (Feuer) allows same-day voter registration, giving Californians the right to vote with a provisional ballot if the conditional voter registration is deemed effective. Same-day registration will be permitted once the Secretary of State certifies California’s new statewide voter database, VoteCal. Last year, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 397 (Yee) allowing Californians to register to vote online.
In addition, Governor Brown signed the following political reform and election-related bills:
• AB 216 by Assemblymember Sandré Swanson (D-Oakland) – Voters: residency confirmation.
• AB 481 by Assemblymember Richard Gordon (D-Redwood City) – Political Reform Act of 1974: campaign disclosure.
• AB 1509 by Assemblymember Mary Hayashi (D-Hayward) – Political Reform Act of 1974: statement of economic interests.
• AB 1662 by Assemblymember Paul Fong (D-Mountain View) – County boards of education: members.
• AB 2062 by Assemblymember Mike Davis (D-Los Angeles) – Political Reform Act of 1974: statements of economic interests: electronic filing.
• AB 2080 by Assemblymember Richard Gordon (D-Redwood City) – Vote by mail ballots.
• AB 2191 by Assemblymember Chris Norby (R-Fullerton) – Political Reform Act of 1974: county central committees.
• AB 2691 by the Committee on Elections and Redistricting – Political Reform Act of 1974: online and electronic filing.
• AB 2692 by the Committee on Elections and Redistricting – Electoral districts and precincts.
• SB 35 by Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacioma) – Voter registration agencies.
• SB 1001 by Senator Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) – Political Reform Act of 1974: lobbyists and committees: fees.
• SB 1272 by Senator Christine Kehoe (D-San Diego) – Political party organization: county central committees.
• SB 1331 by Senator Christine Kehoe (D-San Diego) – County of San Diego Independent Redistricting Commission.
For full text of the bills, visit: