Business and Environmental Leaders Support Governor Brown’s Actions on Electric Vehicles


SACRAMENTO – Following Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.’s announcement today that the state has reached a $120 million dollar settlement with NRG Energy Inc. that will fund the construction of a statewide network of charging stations for zero-emission vehicles, environmental advocates and business leaders voiced strong support for the Governor’s actions.

“Governor Brown’s executive order will create jobs and help clean-up our environment. If 10 percent of the vehicles in the Bay Area were EVs, the region would save about $1 billion which then could be spent in the local economy.”
– Carl Guardino, CEO of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group

“Using the settlement in this creative way is turning a dark chapter in the state’s recent past into a fantastic opportunity to build our future. This is an example of the sort of imaginative leadership we welcome to help create a cleaner and more secure future. Governor Brown’s executive order and the settlement are significant and creative commitments to a clean energy future for California. More electric vehicles on the road will help create jobs in California while cleaning our air, tackling global warming, and protecting consumers from pain at the pump. Increasing accessibility to charging infrastructure throughout the state should give consumers greater confidence in choosing an electric vehicle as their next vehicle purchase, and goes hand in hand with the ARBs ZEV program that ensures automakers will continue to expand their offerings of plug-in electric vehicles.”
– Adrienne Alvord, California and Western States director for the Union of Concerned Scientists

“Plug In America has been working tirelessly for several years to create an Electric Expressway in California and will now see it become a reality. We are extremely gratified to see Governor Brown’s vision and commitment in this area.”
– Plug-in America

“Governor Brown’s executive order will give Californians cleaner air and access to cheaper fuel prices at ‘the plug’ than they’ll ever see at the pump. Several recent studies point to electric vehicles as a necessary part of any meaningful strategy to fight climate change and EDF is proud to support Governor Brown and NRG as they work toward a future with cleaner air and less reliance on imported oil.”
– Derek Walker, Environmental Defense Fund

“Never before has the case for electric cars been clearer. By reaffirming its commitment to industry and the public, today the State of California-through the leadership of Governor Brown-cemented its stake as the global leader in both innovation and adoption, and will reap tremendous environmental and economic benefits as a result.”
– K. Forrest Beanum, SVP-Government Relations & External Affairs, CODA Holdings

“Nissan applauds Governor Brown’s clear vision and strong commitment to electric vehicles through the $120 million investment for the creation of the Electric Expressway. California is leading the way in fostering the growth of electric cars, such as the zero-emissions Nissan LEAF. More than 40 percent of the 11,000 LEAFs sold in the United States are on the roads in California. Today’s landmark commitment, which will bring more than 10,000 electric-vehicle charging points to the state, paves the way for widespread adoption of this critical technology.”
– Brian Carolin, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Nissan North America, Inc.
