Governor Brown Signs Legislation


SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced today that he has signed the following budget trailer bills:

• AB 104 by the Assembly Budget Committee which contains necessary changes in the area of developmental services to enact the Budget Act of 2011.

• AB 114 by the Assembly Budget Committee which contains necessary statutory and technical changes in the area of education in order to implement changes to the Budget Act of 2011. Signing message here.

• AB 115 by the Assembly Budget Committee which contains necessary statutory changes in the area of transportation to implement changes to the Budget Act of 2011.

• AB 117 by the Assembly Budget Committee which makes statutory changes necessary to implement the public safety realignment portions of the Budget Act of 2011.

• AB 118 by the Assembly Budget Committee which provides the statutory framework, allocation methodology and revenue to implement public safety realignment.

• AB 121 by the Assembly Budget Committee which provides the necessary statutory changes to make mid-year revisions and outlines the trigger reductions to the Budget Act of 2011.

• AB 122 by Assemblymember Bob Blumenfield (D-San Fernando Valley) which provides supplemental appropriations to the State Controller for allocation to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of Mental Health, CAL FIRE, Department of Finance and Mariposa, Modoc and Shasta Counties for homicide trial reimbursement.

• SB 73 by the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee which provides the necessary statutory changes in the area of health and human services in order to make mid-year revisions to the Budget Act of 2011.

• SB 89 by the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee which makes various changes with respect to the motor vehicle license fee revenue allocation and cost-sharing of Department of Motor Vehicles’ administrative expenses.

• SB 92 by the Senate Budget Committee and Fiscal Review makes statutory changes necessary to implement the public safety portions of the Budget Act of 2011.

For full text of the bills, visit:
